Aquaman Thoughts


The cinematography in the opening is pretty strong

Aquaman's dad's dog is cute :)

Also, My friend Nick while watching this “this movie is like goldfish because it’s super cheesy”

The submarine scene was pretty good except for this one extremely shaky shot of Aquaman which was awful. Aquaman being a complete ass to Black Manta and his father would've made sense if they stuck with the comic book version of Aquaman but the DCEU frat boy version making that decision made NO SENSE. This version of Aquaman's character really sucks in my opinion. He acts like a angsty teenager to his dad even though he’s a grown man like Jesus, grow up.

Ocean Master is a lame villain, but this isn’t a movie to comic adaptation complaint. Even in the comics he is lame. Also he looks like Eminem, is that just me?

“Mera looks like Ariel”-My sister.

The score is ok

Willem Dafoe is good casting but I gotta say a man-bun doesn’t work for him

So far the CGI is very good, especially the ocean when the troops come to Black Manta

Atlantis doesn’t look very good and all the architecture is just off to me.

The jokes are just bad

The trident exposition is kind of annoying, but during this scene we see Atlantis before it went under water. That version of Atlantis looks amazing, unlike the sea version. I wish they used a similar type of thing for present Atlantis, I would like it a lot more.

The fight after the exposition is really lame and has this really awkward slow motion and cinematography.

Just gonna say it: Jason Mamoa is not a good Aquaman.

Ocean Master’s motivation is just: Pollution blah blah I wanna kill the humans blah blah. Like it makes no sense, we know nothing about him. We don’t know why he wants this he just...does? I guess…I mean yes, he is jealous of Aquaman, but it still doesn’t make full sense, he’s just Eminem with a god complex.

The combat of kings is just a rip off of the ritual combat from Black Panther. This movie came out a year after Black Panther so there’s really no argument saying otherwise.

My Sister said the combat of kings is a Spy Kids 3 rip off and she’s not wrong.

There’s a Pit Bull song in this movie and I think that’s when realized I didn’t like it.

Black Manta making his suit and weapons is SICK but the music in the background doesn’t fit at all and it’s really stupid

“Could’ve just peed on it” ha ha ha now that’s comedy. But honestly that’s the stupidest movie quote from one of the stupidest movie characters based on a cool comic book character. Why D.C.? WHY?

The Sicily scene is actually good. From Mera and Aquaman eating flowers, to Mera doing some water bending, and the Black Manta battle. Everything, it's a really good scene.

The Fishermen look absolutely AWFUL. The Trench look terrible and don’t have any defining features except being gross

You could see Aquaman's mom being alive from a mile away even on my first viewing I was like “yeah ok she’s alive” But how did she survive? Plot needed her to survive so she survived the Trench without explanation.

My friend Nick said Julie Andrews voices the Kraken… I’m shocked

The final battle is pretty underwhelming. Not awful but not good either. Before this rewatch I was HIGHLY critical of this movie and didn’t like it but I wanted to like it, but I still don’t like it. Honestly I like it even less.

½ out of 5 stars


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