A letter

Written 10/25/23

Hi everyone, I hope life has been treating you well. No matter what season it is, what is going on with me, you are all in my heart. I’ve been working on some cool stuff, I was at a moment of head butting for 2 years, ever since Exosia, I felt like my ideas wore off. Sometimes I’d sit there and feel like I was washed before I was even 18, haha. But ideas come in phases and experiences. They came to me, and I have realized through this cycle that I can’t try and force anything. Deadlines will be deadlines though. I’m writing a new comic, I’m not sure when or if it’ll come out, but it’s making me truly fall in love with writing more than ever. It’s been gradually building that way. I was writing a series for months on and off intensely but it wasn’t moving me at that time. But this series is. Even if it never releases I’ll make sure to drop some one-shots because I love comics.

 This book is dedicated to an artist by the name of Rory Hayes. I was reading a book called “Understanding Comics” (which I couldn’t recommend more, it felt like my eyes were opened to something never before seen) and his art was displayed in the book, and I IMMEDIATELY said “I’m gonna work with this guy one day” and I looked him up only to find out he passed away in 1983, of a drug overdose in his sleep when he was 34. My brain was turning at that point, because I had a book in mind that in some fantasy world I’d bring this older man out of retirement and he’d draw this, only for the dream to be quickly shattered. His mind was unique for sure, and I don’t know much about the man, I see him more as a wizard. But behind all the art there is, there’s a person. So this comic, while dedicated to many people who have led me along this path, is dedicated to the memory of Rory Hayes. 

I’m working on some music of course. A lot of things are going wild in the world, in life. I loved creating Spray Paint, Nosferatu and Aeon. I didn’t love making Peace and Love and I’m getting back to that Spray Paint feeling. There are things I loved about Peace and Love but it wasn’t what I wanted to write about, it was hurting me. I can still have hard shit and write it and have fun. Comics and music are my love… And I talk through them, I have a few things I’m plotting out, but also catching my breath. I usually don’t say much, because I never know how or what to say. But I just wanna say I’ve got some cool stuff that I am working on, and that I’m excited to share it.

Live your lives, I love you all and God bless you





Tourist #1